Indicative image of new employment unit


St. Modwen Logistics is bringing forward plans for a third employment unit at St. Modwen Park Gatwick – the high-quality logistics park located next to Junction 10 of the M23 at Copthorne.

Our plans would bring significant investment into the local area, create jobs and support the local economy. They would also deliver significant new landscaped areas with wildlife habitats, green spaces available for community use, and improvements to pedestrian and cycle links.

We are close to finalising our plans for the new unit and wanted to share them with local people before we submit a planning application to Mid Sussex District Council.

Key information about our plans is provided on this website. If you have any questions about our plans or have any comments you wish to share with us, please contact us.

The site

The new unit would be built on the former landfill site located between Copthorne Way and the existing logistics park.

The site has been identified for employment development by Mid Sussex District Council as part of its strategy for jobs growth and supporting a successful local economy. You can find out more about this in the council’s Site Allocations DPD, where the site is referred to as allocation SA4: Land north of the A264 at Junction 10 of the M23.

The site would be accessed by vehicles from Worsell Drive – the same road that provides access into the existing logistics park.

Indicative view from Copthorne Way looking west

Above: Extract from Site Allocations DPD showing site area

Contact us

You can get in touch with us here.